Wiebe Derksen

Graduated Cum Laude in dentistry from the University of Groningen in 2010. In 2012 he started his PhD at ACTA (Academic Center of Dentistry Amsterdam) on digitization in implant dentistry. In 2015 he graduated from the ACTA 3-year “Oral Implantology and Implant Prosthodontics” postgraduate program. He is a co-author of the current 5th ITI Consensus Review on Computer Guided Surgery, the chairman of the Dutch Society of Young Implantologists, the editor of the Quality Practice dental journal, was awarded an ITI clinical research grant in 2013 and became an ITI Fellow in 2015. His current expertise and research interests focus on guided surgery, intra-oral scanning, abutment choices, CADCAM and chairside (implant) restorations.

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