Treatment outcomes
Medical and dental interdisciplinary cooperation is critical in the appropriate assessment of the medical history and the subsequent management of the medically compromised dental patient.
Thanks to the Straumann BLX implant design, material and surface, we were able to fulfill our patient’s expectations in a very predictable way.
The chosen treatment workflow proved to be the best option for this medically compromised patient. We obtained a good healing process, no postoperative bleeding complications, no morbidity and, consequently, a very satisfied patient who has now recovered his masticatory function.
Dr. Alfonso Caiazzo testimonial:
“My personal experience regarding the use of the 6 mm BLX implant has been extremely positive.
I found it to be a valuable tool when used on elderly patients, especially medically compromised ones, or in those for whom GBR is not advisable for various reasons, as major surgery is avoided in both cases. Furthermore, its design and surface are the perfect combination that allows me to perform surgeries even more rapidly and precisely. Additionally, with the SLActive® surface the loading protocol can usually be greatly shortened.
Despite the reduced length of the BLX 6 mm implant, I have reached very high insertion torques, even in soft bone and challenging clinical scenarios.”