“The share of immediacy has grown over the years because it’s so attractive to patients. The most important aspect is esthetics. Especially when a front tooth is lost patients want it to be restored straight away.“
Steven Chen, BDS, MDSc, PhD, specialist periodontist in a private practice in Melbourne, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Melbourne (Australia) and ITI president 2017-2021

“Patients with hopeless teeth come to my practice with a sad expression in their face. They have a feeling that they will lose something personal.“
Dr Eirik Aasland Salvesen, specialist in Periodontology, private practice in Stavanger (Norway)

“We live in a world of instant gratification, so with immediacy we definitely meet the expectations of our patients. If we can do it predictably and reliably, that’s the way to go.“
Dr Louwrens C. Swart, private practice in maxillo-facial and oral surgery, Cape Town (South Africa)