#Immediacy 13. Jan 2021

Immediate restoration in the esthetic zone using bone level tapered implants

“The BLT SLActive® system allowed us to place the implant immediately, which in this case gave us both esthetic and functional results in the anterior area from the day of the surgery” Dr. Arndt Happe

Initial situation: 30-year-old female, healthy, presented in the office with a failing endodontic treatment of the lateral incisor.

Treatment: Tooth #22 was not able to be restored; therefore, a tooth extraction with the placement of a flapless immediate implant and a provisional restoration in the same session was planned. The drilling procedure was perfomed in the palatal wall of the socket and the implant was engaged in this area. In this case, a BLT SLActive® implant of a diameter of 4.1 and length of 14 millimeters was placed and achieved a primary stability of over 35 Ncm.

Treatment Outcome: The patient was very happy with the treatment outcome, as it was very important for her to have an immediate esthetic result since the day of the surgery. A great tissue stability, bone level maintenance and an excellent oral hygiene was appreciated at 18-month follow-up.

If you would like to learn more about BLT SLActive®, please go to: