#Education 13. Jun 2023

CoDE Global Online Symposium 2023, July 7th

Establishing a patient-centered implant practice: state-of-the-art immediate implant treatment

The Straumann Centers of Dental Education (CoDE) will be hosting the Global Symposium online on July 7th. We are excited to share the latest updates on this transformative event that will provide a comprehensive overview of immediate implant treatment success. Prepare yourself for a series of engaging lectures delivered by experienced clinicians in the field, followed by a live panel discussion among the speakers.

What is the CoDE network?

CoDE stands for Center of Dental Education and is comprised of a group of independent dental centers all over the world that offer excellence in oral healthcare. By providing the most advanced treatment procedures — based on the best available literature and the latest technology — CoDEs are where science meets practice in a real-world clinical environment.

What is the program of the CoDE Global Online Symposium?

The CoDE Global Symposium is dedicated to exploring the world of immediate implant treatment and equipping dental professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve predictable and successful outcomes. Throughout the symposium, you will gain valuable insights from renowned experts who will present a series of five lectures, each focusing on different aspects of immediate implant treatment.

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