#Education 18. Aug 2022

Sustainability in dentistry – how do we know our patients really care?

  • Dental practice remains one of the industries with the highest use of single-use plastics
  • Clinics must make the switch to more sustainable energies and take small initiatives such as reducing water and electricity consumption
  • Patients are serious about sustainability and meeting their expectations can nurture a long-term patient loyalty.
  • The treatment coordinator (TCO), as the first port of call, is the best person to lead the ethical choices conversation.

Sustainability is interwoven into the fabric of our lives. Concerns for the planet’s future unite us and our behaviours are influenced by the desire (and need) to protect it for generations to come.

Now very much an intrinsic component of the geopolitical, social and economic landscapes, climate change is everybody’s business.

“The average dental clinic uses an alarming amount of single-use plastics.”

Almost all industries are threatened by its effects and dentistry is no exception. Indeed, historically it has an embarrassing record when it comes to its environmental impact.

The average dental clinic uses an alarming amount of single-use plastics, clocks up high amounts of energy and water and the decontamination and waste disposal operations may well be essential but, nonetheless, come at a cost.

As healthcare professionals, dental teams have a duty of care to their patients’ wellbeing. As citizens of the world, they have responsibility towards creating a healthier planet.

Leaders in the dental profession are already taking steps towards better understanding and actioning sustainable working practices.

The World Dental Federation (FDI), for example, is committed to raising awareness of the need to offer dental care in an environmentally sustainable way, with a focus on the prevention of oral disease eradicating costly and frequent treatments. Important to note here is that transport is a primary contributor to dentistry’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Ecologic and ethical responsibility play an increasing role in consumer choices.

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