It’ s no secret that the Baby Boomers and Gen Z are about as different as they come, with strong differences in political opinions, consumer behavior, and even etiquette. Despite this, many dental practices are still trying to reach both generations (and everyone in between— we see you, Gen X and Millennials!) with the same tactics through the same social media platforms.
Marketing to every generation can be difficult. If you cater exclusively to only one demographic, you could easily find yourself alienating the potential dental patients in other demographics that don’t see or understand your messaging.
The good news is that there are ways to effectively reach every demographic, and in this post, we’ll show you how to do so on the different social media platforms – from Facebook to Instagram to TikTok.
First: Know Which Platforms Each Generation is Using

Adult dental practices serve patients of every age, so let’s take a look at how each generation is using social media.
Keep in mind that there will always be some overlap between the four generations and their usage, but that there’s also distinct trends, too. Boomers are going to be more active on Facebook, and Gen Z is focused heavily on TikTok.
Gen Z dental patients have the heaviest consumption of social media out of all the generations
Gen Z and Social Usage
It may not surprise you that your Gen Z dental patients have the heaviest consumption of social media out of all the generations. Since they’re the generation that grew up with social media all around them, this checks out.
They’ve got the highest usage rate on a total of four out of five of the core platforms— Facebook (where 87% of the generation is active), Twitter (37%), Instagram (53%), and Pinterest (37%).