What is the ITI (International Team for Implantology)?
The ITI, Straumann’s scientific partner, is a global association of professionals in implant dentistry. In 40 years, the ITI has built a reputation for scientific rigor combined with concern for the welfare of patients. Its objectives are the promotion and dissemination of knowledge about implant dentistry and related fields. The ITI’s purpose is to engage and inspire the global dental profession to strive for excellence in implant dentistry for the benefit of the patient. It provides comprehensive, quality education in implant dentistry and supports and facilitates cutting-edge research in this and related fields. The ITI has more than 18,000 Fellows & Members (2021), 31 national and regional Sections, more than 700 Study Clubs all over the world and has dedicated more than USD 55 million to research since 1988 (2021).
Why is it beneficial to be an ITI Member?
Get on top of your game through lifelong learning with the help of the ITI’s educational events, publications and e-learning opportunities. Leverage their vibrant community of experts through Section activities, Study Clubs and online exchange. Join more than 18,000 Members and Fellows in over 100 countries in order to:
- Treat with confidence
- Advance your career
- Expand your network
- Grow your practice
The ITI offers you the highest quality educational support and a wealth of benefits to enhance your professional activities.
“The ITI supports me with continuous lifelong learning in order to provide my patients the best treatment.” Valentina Ramirez Garmendia, ITI Member Chile
Don't miss it: ITI World Symposium 202ONE - more focus on the patient than ever
In its first ever World Symposium to be held entirely online, the ITI takes an innovative approach to the scientific program by giving patients a voice. Entitled “Evidence and Trends for Patient-Centered Solutions: The Challenge of Choice”, this 5-day event from September 1 – 5, 2021 focuses on seven patients and their concerns.
The ITI Dental Practice Management course: a collaboration with the IMD Institute for Management Development

In 2020, the ITI teamed up with IMD Institute for Management Development – a globally top-ranked provider of executive education – and is now offering dental practitioners a customized, online dental practice management course that will help them to maximize their business impact. The first cycle was a great success, so the ITI is happy to offer a second opportunity in 2021 for practice owners and anyone looking to open a practice to pick up valuable know-how.
Research funds: How to secure them
Research teams depend on funding to be able to carry out their study and arrive at meaningful results. Former ITI Research Committee member Steve Eckert gives a couple of practical tips on how to optimize your chances.
CE hours: Three ways to earn them online
In many countries around the world, dental professionals are required to prove that they have spent a certain amount of time on continuing education in order to maintain their professional license. For many of you, gathering continuing education (CE) hours on an annual basis is the norm and typically you would be picking these up by attending meetings and congresses. The ITI has a number of options with which you can keep CE hours coming in: ITI Study Clubs and the ITI Academy – online and live.
André Schroeder Research Prize 2022: Why researchers should apply now

The winners of the André Schroeder Prize 2021: Benjamin R. Coyac, France/Israel and Michael Payer, Austria.
One of the most prestigious awards in dentistry, the André Schroeder Research Prize serves to promote new scientific findings in implant dentistry and related fields. Winning this prize not only allows the researchers to make their work known to a broader public, but also opens doors and opportunities for their career.
“The main strength of the ITI for research is its all-encompassing vision, from selecting the most relevant projects to funding them and disseminating their results.” Benjamin R. Coyac, André Schroeder Research Prize winner 2021
ITI Treatment Guides: Why they should be in the library of every implant dentistry professional
The ITI Treatment Guide series is a unique compendium of evidence-based treatment methods in implant dentistry. ITI Treatment Guides show the practitioner how to come to grips with different clinical situations step by step. The focus is on sound diagnostics, evidence-based treatment concepts and predictable treatment outcomes. The ITI Treatment Guide series is published by the ITI in collaboration with Quintessence, a leading publisher in the field of implant dentistry with an outstanding reputation among dental professionals.
International ITI Study Clubs: Why you should join your local Section now

One of the ITI’s most popular benefits among its membership are the ITI Study Clubs. Each Study Club meeting represents an opportunity to learn something new and valuable about implant dentistry, meet peers and benefit from their knowledge and experience.
Women in dentistry: Why “the ITI is a vanguard in many respects” (Charlotte Stilwell)

In the context of Straumann's initiative WIN (Women's Implantology Network), we conducted an interview with Charlotte Stilwell, then President-elect of the ITI and now the ITI’s first female President. More than ever, the future success of the ITI will be based on equal consideration of the needs of patients and practitioners.
ITI Blog: by clinicians for clinicians

The ITI recently launched a new platform for implant-dentistry-related views, opinion and information. Written by clinicians for clinicians who provide essential insights into treatment approaches and processes as well as tips and tricks drawn from their daily experience. This is where you will find the fast route to valuable knowledge distilled down into short, accessible shots.