#Education 29. Jul 2021

ITI Treatment Guides: Why they should be in the library of every implant dentistry professional

The International Team for Implantology (ITI) offers the highest quality educational support and a wealth of benefits to enhance your professional activities. The popular ITI Treatment Guides are only one of the many benefits. Learn more about how the ITI can help you kickstart or boost your career in implant dentistry and related fields.

Step by step to success – the ITI Treatment Guide series is a unique compendium of evidence-based treatment methods in implant dentistry. They show the practitioner how to come to grips with different clinical situations step by step. The focus is on sound diagnostics, evidence-based treatment concepts and predictable treatment outcomes. The ITI Treatment Guide series is published by the ITI in collaboration with Quintessence, a leading publisher in the field of implant dentistry with an outstanding reputation among dental professionals.

Volume 12 is out now!

The waiting is over: the print version of ITI Treatment Guide Volume 12 on “Peri-Implant Soft-Tissue Integration and Management” is now available in English! Written by renowned clinicians Mario Roccuzzo and Anton Sculean and supported by cases contributed by expert practitioners, this new volume provides a comprehensive overview of various evidence-based techniques and treatment approaches for use in daily practice, with a focus on current techniques and materials.

Mario Roccuzzo explains why osseointegration can be difficult, what the real challenges are and how this Treatment Guide can help you to provide the best possible treatment.

Anton Sculean about his work as author, the high-quality content of this issue and what readers can expect.

50% off for ITI Members

ITI Members get 50% off Treatment Guide Vol. 12 and every other Treatment Guide volume available. Not an ITI Member yet? The ITI provides access to an excerpt free of charge on their website.

Over the next few months, ITI Treatment Guide Volume 12 will be translated into nine additional languages – Brazilian-Portuguese, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Russian and Turkish – and added to the ITI e-library.

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