#Education 29. Jul 2021

ITI Study Clubs: Learn & Grow – join your local Section now

The International Team for Implantology (ITI) offers the highest quality educational support and a wealth of benefits to enhance your professional activities. The popular ITI Study Clubs are only one of the many benefits. Learn more about how the ITI can help you kickstart or boost your career in implant dentistry and related fields.

750 Study Clubs around the world

One of the ITI’s most valued benefits among its membership are the ITI Study Clubs. With 750 Study Clubs around the world, operating both online and on-site, each Study Club meeting represents an opportunity to learn something new and useful about implant dentistry, meet peers and benefit from their knowledge and experience. Depending on the country, earning CE hours is also an option.

Meet in small groups and learn from one another
Introduced back in 2011, the aim of the Study Clubs was to give ITI Members a place to meet in small groups and learn from one another in a trusted environment. In addition to regular presentations prepared at a global level that deal with current hot topics in implant dentistry, members also present their own cases for discussion. This allows the group to function as a sounding board and offer alternative or additional views in regard to real-life patient issues.

Study Clubs are a good way to get to know colleagues practicing within the same area in a relaxed atmosphere while enjoying a presentation. Meetings are normally held three or four times a year and many Study Clubs like to invite a well-known international speaker once a year.

Free of charge to ITI Members
Study Clubs are open free of charge to ITI Members only, although non-members can attend up to two meetings as guests to see if they would like to join the organization. With the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Study Club meetings immediately went online and managed to attract even broader participation than ever as this allowed ITI Fellows and Members to attend virtual meetings all over the world. As the situation stabilizes, many Study Clubs are meeting face-to-face once again, and some even offer simultaneous on-site/online meetings. In this transitional time, the only barrier to visiting a different Study Club meeting in a different country every week is language.

About the International Team for Implantology (ITI):
Straumann’s scientific partner is a global association of professionals in implant dentistry. In 40 years, the ITI has built a reputation for scientific rigor combined with concern for the welfare of patients. Its objectives are the promotion and dissemination of knowledge about implant dentistry and related fields. The ITI’s purpose is to engage and inspire the global dental profession to strive for excellence in implant dentistry for the benefit of the patient. It provides comprehensive, quality education in implant dentistry and supports and facilitates cutting-edge research in this and related fields. The ITI has more than 18,000 Fellows & Members (2021), 31 national and regional Sections, more than 700 Study Clubs all over the world and has dedicated more than USD 55 million to research since 1988 (2021).

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