Show us how you make your patients smile
Show us how YOU are changing the lives of your fully edentulous patients and how dentistry can give back confidence and improve the overall well-being of individuals. Please create and submit your best patient story, together with the clinical procedure and the patient's testimonial by July 20th, 2022. All cases fulfilling the criteria will be submitted for public voting.
The jury: world-renowned thought leaders
A jury composed of world-renowned thought leaders in the field of dentistry will select the final winners who will be awarded their prizes during the EAO 2022 (Sep 29 – Oct 1). Participate now and don't miss the opportunity to showcase the way you are impacting your patients' lives every day.
Contest timeline
Phase 1
14th Jan – 20th Jul: Submission of the video cases
Phase 2
1st Sept – 14th Sept: The Evaluation Jury selects the 8 winners out of the top 25
Phase 3
29th Sept – 1sr Oct: Announcement of the winners during EAO Congress in Geneva
So, let's change lives together: participate and give smiles back to those in need through pro bono cases and charity donations.
To find out more, go to the official SmileAward website