#Digital 25. Apr 2022

Aligners: a modern, professional and patient-friendly extra to offer patients

A case study with the ClearCorrect® aligner system

Some 60 percent of 18- to 39-year olds in Germany have misaligned teeth [1] and there is clear evidence that patients are becoming increasingly interested in the option of esthetic treatment of misalignment with discrete, transparent aligners in the dental practice. As well as using aligners as a preventative measure, some also want to improve their appearance, a phenomenon that has become more and more prevalent because people have been working from home and see themselves more often on screen in online conferences - i.e. the “Zoom effect” [2,3]. Any dentist with a basic interest in orthodontics can round off the treatment options available in their dental practice by offering aligner therapy. In this article, Svenja Wollitz M.D.Sc., a dentist practicing in Wiesbaden, Germany, presents a case study with ClearCorrect® aligners from the Straumann Group to illustrate how this system can be implemented responsibly in the patient's familiar environment.

Essentially, every dentist has the right to offer orthodontic treatment that is covered by the statutory health insurances. So for any dentist with a basic interest in orthodontic treatment, there is little to stand in the way of practical implementation, as it only requires minimal prior investment. In our practice, we opted for the ClearCorrect® aligner system because the treatment is very clearly structured, which makes it much easier to integrate into practice routine. There is a wide range of support available to practitioners for practical implementation with entry level and user courses: there are now 1-day courses available online or in-person, with explanations on how to select patients, and what needs to be considered when starting up (information: www.clear-correct.de/veranstaltungen). Experts in the Treatment Planning Service offer support in specific case setup in the initial phase or in complex cases by creating an exact 3D case plan. A clinical advisor from the Straumann Group can also be consulted for advice when discussing the treatment plans. What is important is that both the case diagnosis and the treatment decisions are the responsibility of the practitioner during the entire therapy and that the consulted technicians adhere to these specifications. The ClearPilot® planning software allows the practitioner to check and approve the proposal.

Patients value treatment “from a single source”

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