Case Video: Immediacy with the Straumann® BLX Implant System for a Single Tooth in the Esthetic Zone using Digital Workflows.
Dr. Druthil Belur, BDS, DMD (USA), MS (USA), CDT (USA)
Dr. Druthil Belur, BDS, DMD (USA), MS (USA), CDT (USA)
Initial situation: Patient presented with a history of recent trauma to his central incisor with mild tenderness on percussion. On radiographic examination, a mid-root fracture was visible, which was subsequently confirmed with a Cone Beam CT.
Treatment: After establishing poor prognosis for the tooth, the patient consented to extraction and a dental implant with subsequent immediate and definitive restorations. A surgical guide was planned using coDiagnostiX®. The CBCT was imported into the software along with an IOS using 3Shape TRIOS. A surgical guide was printed with a Straumann P Series 3D printer. A Straumann® BLX 5 mm sleeve was subsequently inserted. A pre-surgical milled provisional was fabricated in advance. The tooth was extracted under local anesthesia and a Straumann® BLX SLActive® Roxolid® implant was placed using the Straumann® VeloDrill™ System for Guided Surgery. After establishing sufficient primary stability, a Straumann® BLX Temporary Abutment was used to fabricate and deliver an immediate provisional.
After the healing period and establishing osseointegration, over the course of another 2 months, the provisional was contoured further to establish an ideal emergence profile. A final impression was taken using 3Shape TRIOS, which included the following scans: a) Pre-op Scan, b) Soft Tissue Emergence Profile Scan, c) Straumann Scan Body Scan, d) Opposing Arch Scan, and e) Left & Right Bite Scans. The restoration was designed in the laboratory with 3Shape TRIOS Design Studio® using Straumann Angled Solutions. A high-translucency zirconia crown was fabricated with a model-less workflow, which was subsequently delivered.
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