Assoc. Prof. Umut Arslan, Prof. Yasemin Özkan and Prof. Yaşar Özkan mentored the attendees. Dr. Gökhan Göçmen, Dr. Seda Keban, Dr. Zeliha Şanıvar, Dr. Gökhan Gedikli, Dr. Şükrü Can Akmansoy, and Dr. Ferit Bayram attended the program with the support of Prof. Michel Dard and Dr. Kyung-won Baek from Medical Affairs, Straumann HQ Basel (from left to right).
A “Win-Win” education program for entirely digital restorations
Straumann Turkey and Marmara University presented a joint education program focusing on the learning process of fully digital workflow for immediate loading. The new education concept, Solution Driven Learning (SDL), was employed to familiarize six trainees with coDiagnostiX®, Straumann® Guided Surgery, CARES® and BLT. This win-win education program created a solid platform that enabled three prosthodontists and three oral and maxillofacial surgeons to treat six single implant cases in the esthetic zone entirely digitally. coDiagnostiX®, Straumann® guided surgery and CAD/CAM with CARES® Visual and Straumann® BLT were used. This provided them with a complete perspective on dental implantology and digital workflow. Moreover, the patients were also given a great opportunity to experience the convenience of a one-day treatment.
Digital workflow and immediate loading
The four-day program encompassed a fully digital workflow; virtual planning, guided surgery, design and manufacture (CAD/CAM) of a temporary crown and immediate loading on the day of surgery. The first day started with a case discussion of the mentees and mentors. The mentors assigned single missing premolar cases, which were carefully selected and prepared. This was followed by a surgical guide design session with coDiagnostiX® using patients' CBCT data and digital models. The second and third days were dedicated to the treatment of the six patients. After the guided surgery with the 3D printed guides based on their own design, the mentees took digital impressions on Straumann® BLT using the 3shape intraoral scanner and designed the temporary crowns on Variobase® using Straumann® CARES® Visual Chairside. The designed temporary crowns were milled and delivered to the patients on the same day. All six mentees performed both surgical and prosthodontic procedures on their patients, supporting each other in pairs. Throughout the program, the mentees were supported by the mentors and held frequent round table discussions. On the last day, the mentees were given the opportunity to present their cases in front of the mentors and other students. Based on their presentation, the mentors selected the best case, and Dr. Bayram was awarded with the opportunity to publish his case in STARGET.
SDL: Solution Driven Learning
Problem Based Learning, commonly known as PBL, changed traditional education based on textbooks and lecturing. The students, who were previously passive recipients of the educational content, play an active role in identifying and analyzing the problem in a real-life situation. PBL is typically conducted in a small group and involves a multidisciplinary approach. Solution Driven Learning (SDL) takes PBL to the next level and emphasizes the dynamic of solving the problem to reach a solution. Mentoring plays a key role in SDL, guiding the students to identify the solution and find a way to achieve it.
Prosthetically driven implant planning is a great example of the SDL application. Furthermore, a digital workflow is an ideal tool to familiarize the trainees with the SDL concept, including its multidisciplinary and patient-centered approach. Straumann initiated the SDL project in Marmara University and fully supported it, setting an example for this future training and learning concept for implantology and digital workflow.