Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant System

Discover natural PURE white. Love your smile.

The natural and strong solution. Makes patients love their smiles.

Nothing is more winning than a light-hearted and happy smile. With the PURE Ceramic Implant System even very demanding patients can smile with confidence. Without compromising on esthetics, reliability and the most natural choice of material.

Outstanding esthetic results

High-end esthetic restorations thanks to ivory colored natural ceramic material. In general, more favorable soft tissue attachment around ceramic than around titanium, with blood circulation similar to that around natural tooth.1,2

Proven quality

High-performance zirconia ceramic (Y-TZP) with higher fatigue strength than grade-4 titanium implants4,5.

100 % proof test in which every single Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant is tested mechanically before leaving the production site5.

Excellent clinical performance with 97.5 % survival and success rate after three years.

Exceptional surface

ZLA®, similar in macro and micro roughness to the original Straumann® SLA® surface. 
Revolutionary osseointegration properties: healing time comparable to well established SLA®7-9.
Less plaque attachment – an important factor for long-term implant success10


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