Customized Implant Prosthetic​

Synergy in operation​.

Digital technology is fundamentally changing the way dental labs work. But how can you keep up with all the innovations, trends, different customer needs and workflows while remaining cost and time efficient?

Our Customized Implant Prosthetics portfolio with the corresponding digital services and flexible workflows ensures that you remain competitive and future-proof for years to come.​

All needs

Covers all Straumann Group implant brands and Multi-Platform Solutions. Satisfies individual patient needs.

Pick & choose

Outsource when needs and requests fluctuate. Use your preferred workflow.


Access to hi-tech solutions without investment.

Choose from a wide range of Customized Prosthetic Solutions​

Restorative solutions from outsourced manufacturing service

Pick your workflow:

  • Use our Manufacturing service: do the scan and design in-house using your scanner and CAD System.
  • Use our Shape & Manufacturing service: do the scan in-house and outsource design and manufacturing.
  • Benefit from our Scan, Shape & Manufacturing service: outsource all the workflow steps.

Restorative solutions for in-house milling

In-house production:

  • Do it yourself with your in-house digital equipment.

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