Straumann at the EuroPerio 9 2018
Amsterdam, NL - June 20-23, 2018
Straumann Corporate Forum I
This event took place on Thursday, June 21, 2018 | 12.30 - 14.00 | Auditorium | RAI convention centre | Amsterdam
Innovative strategies in regenerative dentistry.
Presentation #1 - Dental repair and regeneration: bringing discovery science into the dental clinic - Paul Sharpe

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Paul Sharpe, DDS, MSc, PhD
- Professor at the King’s College London, UK
- Serves on several editorial boards and advisory committees including Journal of Oral Biosciences, Regenerative Medicine, Archives of Oral Biology and International Journal of Developmental Biology
- His main research interests are the molecular control of tooth development, dental stem cell biology and tooth bioengineering.
- In 2004 he was awarded the Craniofacial Biology Research Award by the International Association for Dental Research in recognition of his contribution to the understanding of how teeth develop
- In 2006 his paper “Stem cell-based tissue engineering of teeth” received the William J Gies award for best publication is Biomaterials and Bioengineering from the same organisation.
Clinical dentistry is dominated by techniques and approaches that are not based on any modern understanding or appreciation of the cellular and molecular biology of tooth development, homeostasis or repair. Whereas medicine is embracing advances in genomics, stem cells biology, cell signalling and tissue engineering to develop a new generation of therapies, dentistry repeatedly fails to grasp the potential impact of these advances for advancing dental therapies. In this presentation, examples of how basic biological discoveries can be harnessed to make an impact on dental therapies will be discussed against a background of the specific challenges in dentistry.
- What can the latest cutting-edge approaches in cell and molecular biology tells us about dental diseases and disorders?
- Realistically, which approaches are likely to lead to new dental treatments and which are not?
- ReDent: a novel biologically-based approach for tooth restoration that enhances nature repair mechanisms.
- BioTooth: what process has been made towards whole tooth bioengineering what is left to do? RePerio: Novel ways of thinking about and applying stem cell therapies in periodontal disease.
Presentation #2 - Clinical potential of enamel matrix derivative when combined with non-surgical periodontal therapy - Adrian Kasaj

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Adrian Kasaj, DDS, MSc, PhD
- Professor of Periodontology at the University Medical Center Mainz, Germany.
- Certified Specialist in Periodontology of the German Society of Periodontology (DGParo) in and of the European Dental
- Serves on several editorial boards and advisory committees
Clinical and histological evidence has demonstrated that treatment with enamel matrix derivative (EMD) promotes periodontal regeneration and enhances early wound healing. This is usually accomplished by utilizing EMD in conjunction with different proposed surgical techniques. In order to reduce surgical invasiveness, a whole range of minimally invasive surgical procedures have been developed over the past few years. These procedures include minimal flap extension and elevation to further improve periodontal wound healing and reduce patient side effects. More recently, a flapless procedure combined with the application of EMD has been proposed as another minimally invasive approach in regenerative treatment of periodontal defects.
- Discussing clinical performance of EMD when used as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment.
Presentation #3 - Soft tissue management and wound healing using Emdogain - Giovanni Zucchelli

Speaker: Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli, DDS, PhD
- Professor of Periodontology and Implantology at the University of Bologna, Italy since 2000.
- Innovator of several soft tissue plastic surgical techniques
- Author of the book titled, ‘Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery’, best seller, published in 10 different languages
- Co-author of two illustrated textbooks on periodontal plastic surgery and of the chapter “Mucogingival Therapy-Periodontal Plastic Surgery” in Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
The use of Emdogain has been already demonstrated to enhance periodontal regeneration stimulating new formation of alveolar bone, cementum and periodontal ligament in both treatments of infrabony defects and gingival recessions. New knowledge in soft tissue surgical management in combination with amelogenins permits to achieve esthetic result along with periodontal regeneration.
- Describing biological principles underlying the use of amelogenins
- Discussing clinical application of the amelogenin in the treatment of gingival recessions
- Discussing clinical application of the amelogenin in the treatment of infrabony defects in the esthetic area
Straumann Corporate Forum II
This event took place on Friday, June 22, 2018 | 12.30 - 14.00 | Auditorium | RAI convention centre | Amsterdam
Immediate implant treatment protocols. Reliability, predictability, success!
Presentation #1 - Patient driven implant treatment – scientific highlights - Eirik Aasland Salvesen

Speaker: Dr. Eirik Aasland Salvesen, DDS
- Specialist in Periodontology
- A partner at TSMG Madlagården in Stavanger where he serves as the Director of the TSMG Academy.
- A member of the Nobel Biocare Mentorship program and Clinical Consultant for the Nordic countries.
- International lecturer in periodontology and implant dentistry.
To provide a comprehensive scientific and clinical background about development and further modifications of immediate treatment protocols in implant dentistry.
- Developments with major influence for surgical protocols
- Developments with major influence for prosthetic protocols
- Understanding the pitfalls for more efficient implant treatment protocols
Presentation #2 - Decision making for immediate implant in the esthetic zone - France Lambert

Speaker: Prof. France Lambert, DDS, MSc, PhD
- Professor in Dental Biomaterials and Head of the Clinic in the Department of Periodontology and Oral Surgery ( at University of Liège, Belgium.
- Dedicated to periodontology and implantology.
- Focusing on (i) bone regeneration and biomaterials, (ii) soft tissue integration around teeth and implants and (iii) innovative and less invasive implant protocols.
- Lecturing internationally and being the author of several international publications.
Extraction and immediate implant placement is nowadays considered as a reliable treatment option. This approach may have certain benefits in order to preserve the soft tissue architecture and to provide immediate satisfaction of patients. However, key-aspects have to be taken into consideration in order to insure successful and esthetic outcomes.
A systematic approach for surgical decision-making to replace single tooth in the esthetic zone will be proposed according to the current scientific evidences and clinical-based experience. The overall objective is to propose a rational and minimally invasive treatment approach to the benefit of the patients.
- Highlighting the benefits and the limits of extraction and immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone.
- Discussing biological principles and surgical techniques concerning immediate implant treatment through clinical research data and illustrated by case presentations.
Presentation #3 - Immediate full arch restoration using the Straumann ProArch treatment approach - Waldemar Polido

Speaker: Prof. Waldemar Polido, DDS, MSc, PhD
- Clinical Professor and Director of the Pre-Doctoral Program, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA;
- Co-Director of the Center for Implant, Esthetic and Innovative Dentistry, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA;
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, with an MS and PhD degrees from thePUCRS School of Dentistry, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
- Residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA
- Fellow of the ITI - International Team for Implantology
Treating edentulous patients often remains a challenge when you look at the expectations and clinical limitations involved. Since every patient represents an unique anatomical situations, one treatment solution may not fit all. Therefore, a patient-centered decision making process needs to be applied in order to achieve a predictable and successful outcomes while treating such patients. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss treatment planning, surgical concepts and techniques associated with immediate restoration of complete arch fixed rehabilitation.
- Review clinical factors that may influence the treatment planning in immediate rehabilitation of a complete arch with a fixed restoration, such as required vertical space,horizontal relationship between the arches, lip support and soft tissue condition;
- Present details regarding the digital workflow for edentulous patients, from CBCTanalysis to template design for guided surgery;
- Discuss surgical aspects related to the fixed rehabilitation of a completely edentulous patient, including bone analysis, number and distribution of implants and technical tips toobtain adequate primary stability.
- Emphasizing the Importance of patient centered treatment approach for fully edentulous patients
Straumann Workshop
This event took place on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 | 13.45 - 16.45 | G106-107 | RAI convention centre | Amsterdam
Periodontal regenerative procedure: matching technique and technology.
Periodontal regenerative procedure: matching technique and technology - Leonardo Trombelli

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Leonardo Trombelli, DDS, PhD, Italy
- Full Prof. and Chair, Periodontology, School of Dentistry, University of Ferrara
- Director of the Research Center for the Study of Periodontal Diseases, University of Ferrara
- Director of the Operative Unit of Dentistry, University Hospital of Ferrara
Active memberships:
- Italian Society of Periodontology
- Italian Association of Osseointegration
- International Association of Dental Research
- Peer review panel member of the Journal Periodontology and Journal of Dental Research
- Editorial Board member for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology
- Private practice limited to Periodontology and Implantology
Deep intrabony defects represent a challenge for the clinician since, if not properly treated, they can lead to tooth loss. Over the past years, various approaches aimed at a substantial improvement of the clinical conditions of the tooth affected by the lesion associated with the regeneration of the lost attachment apparatus have been developed. The ideal clinical outcome can be achieved when the surgical technique is perfectly matched to the regenerative technology in a specific patient showing a specific lesion.
- Gain knowledge in the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for the treatment of intraosseous defects in a regenerative sense
- Learn the indications and surgical protocol of the single flap approach (SFA)
- Learn to select the most appropriate yet simple regenerative technology based on the characteristics of a given defect in combination with either a double flap approach or SFA
- Practice on pig jaws the fundamental steps of the SFA in combination with the use of Straumann® Emdogain® and cerabone®