Tara Aghaloo
Los Angeles, United States of America
DDS, MD, PhD. Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Assistant Dean for Clinical Research at the UCLA School of Dentistry.
“WIN supports women in implant dentistry to be whatever they want to be. Whether it is learning the fundamentals of implant dentistry, expanding their surgical or restorative skills, serving in leadership positions of international implant organizations, or as well-respected and knowledgeable key opinion leaders, we can’t wait to help you!”
Frauke Müller
Geneva, Switzerland
Professor and Chair, University of Geneva. ITI Fellow, Chair of the Leadership Development Committee, Member of the Board of Directors.

Martina Stefanini
Bologna, Italy
DDS, PhD. Researcher at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Dental School - Unit of Periodontology.
“I firmly believe that connecting people and creating a network are the key to success. WIN is the ideal place where women can meet each other, share knowledge, spread ideas and grow professionally.”
Roxana Aguayo
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Specialist in Endodontics and in Oral Implantology. Senior teacher in oral implantology specialization at Universidad Católica Argentina. ITI Study Club Director.
Practice owner in Buenos Aires, Argentina, doing exclusively implantology, prosthetics over implants and esthetics.
“WIN is a dream for me. I always felt that implantology was an exclusive field for men. Now, being part of WIN, I will continue to grow, but most importantly, I will be able to support other women to develop themselves in the passionate field of implantology. This way, they will walk the way accompanied.”

Laurence Adriaens
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Specialist in Periodontology and Implantology recognized by European Federation of Periodontology. Associated Director of the scientific journal 'Periodoncia Clínica' of SEPA (Spanish Society of Periodontology and Osteointegration). ITI Fellow and Study Club Director.
Practice owner in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
“The time has come to find an equilibrium between man and women in our profession. We need female role models to inspire and encourage other women to achieve their professional expectations. Adapting to this new equilibrium will need time.“
Charlotte Stilwell
London, United Kingdom
Member of ITI Board of Directors and Chair of ITI Curriculum Task Force. Study Club Director. Editor-in-chief of ITI Online Academy.
Specialist in prosthodontic dentistry with a particular interest in removable options, both conventional and implant supported.
Private referral practice in Harley Street in London.
“Keen to see proportionate representation of women dentist in implant dentistry and work with WIN to achieve this goal.”

Anja Zembic
Zürich, Switzerland
PD Dr. med. dent.. Specialist for Reconstructive Dentistry and European Prosthodontic Association Recognized Specialist.
Senior teacher and research assistant at the Clinic of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science, University of Zurich. Private practitioner.
„Connecting to people is everything.“
Ulrike Beier
Innsbruck, Austria
Assistent Professor, Department of Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry at Medical University Innsbruck.
ITI Fellow, ITI Communication Officer Austria.
„WIN wants to inspire and engage more women in implant dentistry. The network is the ideal field to help everybody increasing their knowledge at each level- just try and find out how it is to become enthusiastic about implantology.“

Hélène Le Hecho
Nantes, France
General dental practitioner, attached to hospitals (Nantes).
CES of biomaterials. Post graduate in Oral Implantology from university of Nantes. ITI member.
PS : desperateHouseMumWorkingWife :-)
“I believe in a strong women community to accelerate development of implant therapy. We need it, for our patients! For our future…”
“Women are the new face of dentistry but not in Implantology. Preserve access to implant therapy is crucial for our patients. Women are the actors of the future and WIN exists to support them. If ever there was a time to act boldly, that time is now.”
France Lambert
Liege, Belgium
Specialist in periodontology and implantology. Professor Dental Biomaterials, Head of the Clinic in the Department of Periodontology and Oral Surgery at University of Liège.
“Let's give a female touch to the field of implant dentistry together.”

Cecilie Gjerde
Bergen, Norway
Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon, ITI Fellow. Researcher with a special interest in bone regeneration and stem cells at the University of Bergen.
“WIN is a wonderful arena for women working together for the benefit of the patients. Meeting female role models and being one :-)"
Cristina Zarauz
Geneva, Switzerland
Graduate in Oral Implantology from ACTA (University of Amsterdam).
Currently, Candidate for Swiss Specialist in Reconstructive Dentistry, in the Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials (University of Geneva), and Coordinator of the pre-graduate student course (Master 1, University of Geneva).
„Implant dentistry remains a male dominated field. Joining WIN to work on improving female representation is close to my heart. I believe we all WIN when more women participate at all levels and fields of practice.“